“There is a crack in everything – That’s how the light gets in.”
My approach is warm, inviting and relational. We will talk about what brings you in to therapy and clarify your goals. I strive to create a supportive environment using compassion and encouragement, which allows your strengths to come alive. Whatever your reason to come to therapy, I am here to help you. People will often come to me when they experience:
Anxiety and Stress – Sometimes daily stress seems overwhelming and this can become debilitating to life. We can investigate what may be causing anxiety and find ways to help re-gain balance. It can be easy to get out of whack!
Grief and depression – Sometimes it seems so hard to get up in the morning and face the day. Life can be too much to handle when we lose a close relationship and you may feel down. You may experience depression in your daily life and feel like you are not living up to your potential (much less getting out of bed.) Or sometimes you may be in a co-dependent relationship and pulling your hair out!
Life changes – Life is unpredictable, this is a fact. When it changes drastically, as in a job loss/change or divorce, it can send us reeling and we clamor for stability. Talking about change can help you feel more supported and can help you adjust to a new life.
People will often choose to seek therapy to help with trauma they have experienced in their lives. This can be a one-time traumatic experience or perhaps chronic long lasting trauma.
People will often seek therapy who:
Have had a difficult childhood who have experienced neglect or abuse.
Have had acute trauma such as with an automobile accident or a disturbing event.
Want to improve their functioning and enjoyment in their life.
Internal Family Systems (IFS or Parts Work)
People who come to therapy want to understand themselves better and let’s face it; at times life can be difficult to navigate and make sense of. This therapy helps make a framework for learning to love ourselves and others. IFS can be helpful to make sense of ourselves and why we do the things we do.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprogramming)
This methodology grew out of the following observations:
Human beings have the inborn capacity to process disturbing events and feelings to heal themselves. Most experiences that are disturbing to us will be resolved naturally, however, there are instances in which the brain becomes overwhelmed and normal processes of problem resolution fail to achieve this desired end. Problems seem to become "frozen" in our minds, and the painful images, thoughts and feelings associated with the event seem to be "locked" in the nervous system, often out of conscious awareness. These memories then have a lasting negative effect on an individual's emotional and interpersonal functioning in the world.
The EMDR process changes your perception of traumatic memory and reintegrates a more positive experience.